Many are also
the points in Agenda, that twill be discussed during the following days:
-the Nagoya
Protocol on Access to genetic Resources
-fair and
equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization
plan on biodiversity
During his opening speech, Braulio Ferreira De Souza Dias urged the presents on securing that the targets for 2011 will be achieved in the short term, so that the Protocol can start be effective soon. He said that best practice should be shared between the nations, because negotiation have, so far, achieved nothing but making times for a proper adoption of the protocol longer.
importantly, references were made to the current financial crisis that the
world economy is encountering. At the COP11, that is seen not as a threat or
delay towards strategies for biodiversity conservation, but as OPPORTUNITIES -
AREAS of Biodiversity Conservation.
The relation
between biodiversity and financial mechanisms is the main issue discussed in
the side events of the convention. Payment for ecosystem services, Ecosystem
services valuation, TEEB, REDD and REDD + are just few of the points to be
further discussed.
For the
following days there will be two groups working separately at the Convention.
The first will
focus on Marine and islands Biodiversity; the second on the status of
conservation and the Aichi targets.
The COP is
vibrant with different press conferences by different nations, a biodiversity
fair, a public awareness camp. And one only feels like a little child lost at a
fair.... who wants to be everywhere, but can’t decide where to be.
Saylee Salvi
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